Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today was a weird day. Had planned to go to Shiloh to spend the night, but things didn't work out that way. It took me nearly an hour to get there. Then I only helped with lunch prep for like 45 minutes. There were too many girls there helping so really I wasn't needed. I hung around for a while, had lunch on a swing, and then decided to leave, and then another hour to get home. Not sure if I will keep going back.

Here's some of the kids going through the lunch line. They loved the food (English muffin pizzas and french fries)..
I stopped at the Monksville Dam on the way back and took some pics. It was pretty cool.
This picture is the road over the dam. I drove over it just to say that I did.
Here's a picture of the dam from the other side of the reservoir. I stopped there first to take the picture.
See that little clearing in the upper left? That's where I was when I took the picture of the dam. This picture was taken from the dam looking down. It was such a beautiful day today. Lovely for driving north and seeing the colors of the trees.
When I got home Darryl took me to get my hair cut. It feels a lot better now. =)
Tomorrow I have Children's Church again. I hate missing 2 sermons in a row, especially when I know there is a really awesome sermon and Powerpoint coming! Oh well. I hope I can make the lesson nice tomorrow. I have no idea how I'm gonna do it.

Philippians 2:3
Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

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