Sunday, March 27, 2011

Linda's famous cake balls ;)

Yesterday I had this brilliant idea to make my own cake balls. I have no clue why I was even thinking about it, but then one thing led to another and bam, Darryl and I were off to buy ingredients. I didn't know how to make them, just knew I needed cake, icing and bark. So I bought several different flavors and started experimenting with adding different things to the mixtures. It was a long process that lasted till 9:00 last night and I sure was tired!! But here's the finished product. They are so stinking good. We all agree that these are so much better than those ones we bought a while back.

Lemon, Buttercream Toffee, Chocololate Chunk, Rainbow Sprinkles
Walnut, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Snickers

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