Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Iceman's missing appendage

We found it hanging from our balcony. It's over 5 feet long!

Here we are in the midst of another winter storm. This time it is ice. We got so much ice the other day that it froze up in the seams of our new window in the living room and began melting inside the house. Evidently the guys who installed the window didn’t do such a great job of caulking it. Tonight we are getting hit with another ice storm which means I might cancel CBC tomorrow. We’ll see.

What’s new, you ask? My house is a disaster. There is clutter everywhere I look! Tools, paint, light fixture pieces, boxes, wires, spackle, dust, and more tools! I am so thankful for the work being done, but I am slowly going mad having to step over things and not being able to clean up. Yesterday I spent the day in the dining room going over work I had to get done. This morning Kyle and I shoveled snow and ice. Then I spent the rest of the day in the kitchen making food; Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican rice, and a pot of soup for tomorrow. I was missing some ingredients, so I spent all day (literally, all day standing in the kitchen) making my own ingredients...I must be nuts. I wouldn’t be able to do it without Pandora! But I am thrilled to report that dinner was out of this world delicious, even better than last time I made it.

We aren’t having any success getting home owner’s insurance on the house we are selling. It’s so stinking discouraging. We had 2 small claims (counting the fire in the kitchen) and so now they won’t insure the other house. Unbelievable! We have had to fill the oil tank so there would be heat so that the pipes wouldn’t freeze up and burst (water damage), have the heater repaired (fire hazard!), pay the mortgage and the real estate taxes, and we lowered the price of the house again. At this point we both just want to get rid of this burden and put this mistake behind us before anything worse happens.

Sometimes I don’t write for a while. I think it’s because I have too much on my mind and I can’t condense it down to a manageable size to write about. In fact, I can’t even condense it down enough to think about.

I finished Ezra, moving on to Nehemiah.

After a long 3 week wait, Kyle finally received his new Yoyo from SPYY, the “Punch Line! Repeater”. Kyle gets these yoyo’s for free because he features SPYY in his tutorials on Rethinkyoyo.com. Quite a nice deal.

Company coming Friday. The house might be clean and it might not. I am trying not to fret about it.

Here is a poem that Ryan wrote. If you’d like to check out his blog, here it is: The Life of Ryan Vegh

To the Divinely Delightful One

God, Your Word is so awesome.
It is divinely delightful, as You are.
It makes my heart sing
And lightens the burdens I have felt.
It draws me in and won’t let me go,
For my heart knows that only You satisfy.
Your every word is flawless and tastes so sweet,
Satisfying me more than my food
And quenching my spirit more than my drink ever could.

I love You and am solely impressed by Your love.
My relations in this world cannot compare
To the greatness I have found in You.
May Your name be praised in the loudest voice!
May every eye see the vast immensity of Your blinding glory,
Falling on their knees in awe and fear.
May I, too, join them on my face,
Silently pleading before You
For strength for the coming day,
For love to give and show to others.

O God, bless my tongue to taste Your name
And ever for it there to dwell.
How can I speak of another
When my eyes have seen You?
As Job said,
“I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,
But now my eye sees you;
Therefore I despise myself,
And repent in dust and ashes.”
- Job 42:5-6

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