Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Ryan Taylor Vegh
This is one of the first pictures taken after his birth.

This one is 6 months later.

My son is 19 years old today! I have missed him at home, but I know he is where he needs to be to grow into the man God wants him to be. Nobody ever said it would be easy to let him go. I am missing so much of his life now. And that is hard after having him home 24/7 while we home schooled. I guess parents who have their kids in public schools are so used to them being gone all day long that it’s no big deal when they move away. They have no idea what they are missing!! All the precious moments during the day of watching them learn, watching them experience life, all the smiles & laughs, all those moments when they need a hug or to talk. So many things I would have missed out on if my boys were in public school. I’m so thankful to God for the years, the days, and those precious moments of having them home. Ryan is getting used to college life now, and loving it. Next time Kyle will be leaving. I can’t even imagine that.

So busy today: exercising, shopping, cooking, reading, studying next Bible lessons for tomorrow. I’m so glad that Pastor Karl is teaching it tomorrow. Before long we’ll be done for the year!

Tomorrow: Women's Bible class in the morning, then Kyle’s Bible lessons, do some work at church, CBC in the evening, come home for a late dinner, and watch American Idol. It’ll be a full day.
These are salty, crispy little cracker things I made out of hot dog rolls. They came out so good! Perfect with soup or cheese, or all alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mom! It was a great birthday. =) I even got a huge chocolate ice cream cake from some folks in the dorms during small groups last night. I have a ton of it still in my fridge. I'm very glad you had us homeschooled. I don't think I would have been as close to you guys if not so. Love you! See you in a month! =)