Tuesday, May 24, 2016

last times...

Over the past year, every time I would leave our house and drive down the road I'd think to myself and wonder, how many more times will I do this?  What will it be like when I drive away for the last time?

My life lately has been full of "last times".

This is the last time I'll shop at my local ShopRite.
...the last time I'll drive down this road
...the last time I'll see people at Grace or Preakness
...the last time I'll wake up in my Flanders home
...the last time I'll ever see that house again
...the last time I'll drive through the Delaware Water Gap

I could go on...

The picture above is one I took the last time I slept there in NJ while we were sleeping on the mattress on the floor in the living room.  I was lying there and I wanted to remember that moment.  That is a painting hanging on the wall in our living room.  We didn't take it down because it was too much trouble to go get a big ladder with all the other work we had to do to get packed up in time.  So, it's still there, we left it for the buyers.  That is the last thing I saw when I went to sleep - the last time I slept in NJ.

The last of all our possessions (which we have too many of) are all sitting on a truck somewhere in America... not exactly sure when it arrives at our new home but we'll try to be as ready as we can when it gets there.  As for us, we will be arriving there later today to start our new lives as Pure Michiganders.

I'm no longer a Jersey girl...

By the way, our buyers for the house have gone MIA.  Whether or not the sale will be finalized is now a mystery, considering we should have closed on it yesterday.  That's as far as my mind can go on that.  It's too big for me.  It's a God-sized issue... and He's gonna have to deal with it.  Thankful that He does!  He's so faithful when we can't see what tomorrow brings.

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