Sunday, December 6, 2015

i decked my geo tree

The task was daunting - decorating the whole tree by myself - but I did it!  We made an emergency trip to the dollar store to stock up on ornaments.  It was a long and arduous procedure, but here is the finished product.  I must say, that's a pretty dang sweet looking tree.

Our home is now fully decorated for the approaching season of joyousness and goodwill.

ps, that is a teeny little tree I pulled out of the ground, someplace in the woods where Kyle and Hilary and I were geocaching 2 summers ago.

Ok, so today was our home inspection.  Hard to know how it turned out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess that's God's perfect will for you to be singing with your husband and going to church with him. I have been reading your blogs and I still see sense some bitterness in your heart and I think wherever you go you will carry that bitterness with you unless you learn to forgive. Just saying...and stop all this innuendos...I know what you mean.