Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dear anonymous,

First, let me just thank you for confirming what you believe to be God's will for my life. As the days and weeks go on we shall surely see how things turn out. I have said all along that I can't be certain of God's will until it happens...

Thank you for pointing out my weaknesses as well. I have admitted and confessed my hurt and bitterness over the past year. I have openly recognized that I need to forgive those who have hurt me. I know enough to realize that my unforgiveness doesn't hurt anyone but myself. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time you will know that I have been very transparent with my feelings. That is not to say that I am always right, but these are my feelings that I share with whoever chooses to read them.

I am not perfect, and I do struggle with certain things, especially things I am so passionate about. Sometimes I think that I have my feelings under control and I have peace, but then other times those hurt feelings rise in me again. I pray that I will soon be able to let it all go. 

Thanks for your concern. I'm so grateful that God is not done working on my heart.

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