Monday, May 11, 2015

and so the packing begins...

I'm starting to get stuff out of the cabinets.  I want to take as little as possible with me.  I want to be a minimalist.  I don't want a bunch of junk to be a slave to.  It's time to get rid of it!

Packing up a life time...that's what cardboard boxes are good for. You take the last 20-some years of your life and try to fit them into boxes. How does that happen? How do we do it? I don't know yet...but I will find out. I was fortunate enough to know someone who just moved and she gave me all her boxes and packing material. Tomorrow starts the hardcore packing. The down and dirty...the nitty the bone...

It still feels so weird to me that both my boys have decided to settle in Michigan. Oh and did I mention already that Michigan is the ONLY state I told God I'd never live in?  Yeah, well of course God has this very funny sense of humor.  "You won't live in Michigan?  ahhh well, I will show you who makes these decisions... and it's not you".

Ok, God, I get it.  I'm doing it.  I'm scared.  I'm literally freaking out right now.  I have no idea how this will be, but I'm doing it.  You gotta take care of the details because I am now in out-of-body mode....and will remain here for the's your ball game.  I'm just along for the ride.

So, it was Mother's Day yesterday.  DJ took me to Bell's Mansion.  Not happy with the meal.  No more Bell's for me.  Maybe they have better restaurants in Grand Rapids. haha

So, anyway, I met with a realtor and landscaper today.... husband and wife team.  I was very happy with them and I hope that Darryl agrees that we can use them...


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