Monday, August 25, 2014

songs by Linda Vegh

Tears Don't Come (but Jesus, You do)

For You

Here we go. I am finally posting the other 2 songs I wrote. I'm really pleased with my progress. Less than a year ago I started playing guitar. Now I'm a song-writer.

Some people probably think I shouldn't post any songs unless everything is perfect.  I completely disagree.  These are my songs from my heart.  No, they aren't perfect, but none of us are, and nothing we do is perfect.  But this is the gift that God gave me, and I refuse to be ashamed of it, or worse yet, to make excuses for my imperfections.  Jesus loves me and my songs.

The logic follows that if we wait to share our gifts until we are perfect, there would never be anything shared.  No art, no music, no teaching, no preaching, no nothin'.  We all give what we have.  And it's when we stop giving that we stop growing in our gift.  I'm thankful for the few people in my life who have continued to love and encourage me, during every step of my progress.  I thank God for those who have shared a kind word; a simple "good job", or "sounds great", or "beautiful voice."  Without those truly encouraging words, I would have thrown in the towel ages ago.  It's important in any walk of life, to surround yourself with people who lift you up, and see moments of greatness in you, people who know how to say a kind word to you.  It's important to stay away from those who just want to drag you down by their negative "honesty".   Everyone needs positive feedback along their journey!!

We all know that it's very, VERY hard to have confidence, especially in the music world.  Every bit of negativity counteracts the positive comments by a mile.  I may hear 10 great compliments, but the falt-finders are like a kick in the gut that throw me and my confidence back 10 paces.  It's hard to get going again after you are kicked down time and time again.

So, the next time you see someone working hard at something, and even though they aren't perfect (they never will be), remember a kind word goes a very long way in their life.  It may be the difference between success, and well... giving up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep it up! I am forever impressed with the gift God has given you. You certainly have come a long way.