Tuesday, March 11, 2014

8 easy steps to a better ME

a bit of sunburn
I've been kinda bummed lately.  It's like I am depressed and getting beat up by my own thoughts before I am even fully awake.  That's not a good way to live.

Things I gotta do to feel better:

1. Get up earlier
2. Have quiet time with God
3. Eat good protein breakfast
4. Get good exercise
5. Eat healthy lunch and supper
6. Stop sitting in front of TV all evening
7. Stop eating sugary foods, especially at night
8. Sing (and play guitar) every day

Now, if I could just do only those 8 things, I'm sure to feel tons better.  Being indoors for so long I seemed to have lost my enthusiasm for things.  I need to get better!!   Today was a great start.  The weather was be-u-tee-ful!!  I spent a good long time outside on the deck filling up with sunshine and vitamin D.  I felt so fabulous after that.  Well, I also did exercise the last couple of days too, but the sun really made huge difference.  I needed it bad!

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