Tuesday, May 28, 2013

utterly speechless!

The world is a strange place when you can't talk.  I started getting sick sometime last week.  By Sunday I started feeling better; good enough to go to church.  By Sunday night I was so sick and in pain and coughing...and I ended up with Laryngitis - of all things!!  Just when I need to really be practicing for singing at church!  Here it is Tuesday and all I can do is let out a tiny squeak.   I will either have to sing with not enough practice, or just put it off a while.  And really that is fine because if I can't sing when I was supposed to, then I'm sure God has something better in mind.  I'm trying to trust Him and not worry about it, even though that is hard for my flesh to do.

The boys had their wisdom teeth pulled last week.  So that has been another difficult thing to deal with.  There has been a lot of soup, yogurt, and instant breakfasts being eaten here lately.  My normal cooking routine has been a bit altered.

Yesterday was Memorial Day.  Darryl and Ryan went to Steve Vervaet's house while Kyle stayed home with sickly me.  Kyle got some work done around the house and I planted some tomatoes that Mom and Dad gave me, and the flower Darryl got me.  I had a chance to get out and get some sun, which I really needed!

It's so awesome having my boys home.  We had so much fun singing last week!  But the house has been so quiet the past couple of days.  I have missed singing more than talking!  Right now I can't even hum!  I don't know how long this will last, but probably not much longer.  Maybe it's a good thing that I'm not able to talk.  It kind of opens the room up for others to talk more.

"I don't know where You'll take me, but I know You're always good!" -My Hope

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