Tuesday, April 9, 2013

and so it begins

Here we go...
1 down, a bunch more to go
I don't know how most women are, but for me, the kitchen is like my special place. I could spend all day in there, singing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, creating... but now look what we have started. Finally, after more than a year of going back and forth, yes we are finally doing it, as evidenced by these pictures of Darryl ripping out our old cabinets. Don't you just love my dust curtain? It is one of the sheets from the when the boys were little. I think it must be the Giants. haha! I am putting them to good use. But you know, with or without the dust shield, there is going to be dust in every inch of the house. I am already feeling a little queasy about all the MESS, and wondering how I will survive without my beloved kitchen. I feel like it is undergoing plastic surgery or something. We have to put it through pain and rip it apart before it can look beautiful again. lol

Darryl's brothers are coming this Sunday to help us to put a new floor in and finish the demolition of the kitchen. So, in case you aren't seeing the obvious, I have to figure out how to cook for all of us without a kitchen. It is definitely going to be a challenge. I plan to use my good old crock pot and the grill as much as possible.

If I am still sane, I will keep you updated on the progress. Hope I'm not cranky.

Giants blocking the dust
hmm... how does it come out?

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