Friday, June 15, 2012

money answers everything?

Yesterday we had a fun time at a store called Plato's closet. I've never been to one before, but the boys go to one in Grand Rapids. We got some cool stuff. Next time we go we are taking things to sell!
A couple of pictures of the boys doing work around the house.  Back patio getting power washed.
All the cars and their engines got washed as well. It's nice to see things happening here!!
I pick lettuce nearly every day.  Really enjoying the freshness of it.  Loved the irony of using my cookie tin to carry it in.                'Let.tuce' eat healthy.
Pastor Karl had me attempt a slide show to play before church begins, to make announcements and whatever else.  I really enjoyed making it.  I think I am doing exactly what I am gifted at, and that is a lot of fun.  I like being creative and I like helping, so it's a pretty good fit to be his secretary.

We are anxiously awaiting our trip to NYC on Sunday.  Getting really excited!  I've had to discontinue my jogs and bike rides for a few days though because there was something messed up with my hip, and my leg kept going out from under me.  I have to rest it up so that so I am able to walk in New York!  Kyle and I plan to do a ton of walking so I hope it's ok by then.

So much to do while the boys are here for the summer, but the calendar is quickly filling up.  Ryan is trying to get a CD ready to take to NY.  Kyle got another video up on YouTube today.  The boys are both involved in music ministry at church, as well as other things.  Kyle taught a Sunday School class last week, and will probably do it again soon.  Ryan is spending all day tomorrow at a seminar thingy at Grace church in  Netcong.  The following week after NY we are going to West Virginia to see my parents for a few days.  When we get back we will get to see Dana and her gang.   July is going to be a busy month for us too!!  But I won't get into that now.

Kyle and I have been reading/listening to Ecclesiastes.  Here is a verse that makes Kyle laugh.

Eccl. 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, And wine makes merry; But money answers everything.

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