Saturday, June 9, 2012

this is how i have fun

I made this Fruit Pizza today from Kathie's blog. Mine never looks as pretty as hers, but I think it'll taste good.  I ALMOST made a disaster because I added a cup of arrowroot to the cream cheese to make the icing.  It was supposed to be powdered sugar, so I had to throw it all away and start it over.  I also used different fruit that I like. I also substituted some organic strawberry jam to make the glaze. It's for the Gen Y BBQ tomorrow. I hope the kids like it.

This is where the boys and I slept last night. Hehe (see my bear?)... it was great. I found an old foam bed topper in our attic space and cut it into 3 pieces so we'd have a bit of padding under our sleeping bags. I think it was much better than hard decking. It was great looking up at the stars last night and then waking up to birds singing. I treasure these days with my boys!!

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