Saturday, April 14, 2012

upstairs reno in progress

Darryl got the hallway carpet ripped up and I got it all painted. We discovered that our floor and walls are crooked. The guy putting the new floor in will have to deal with it. Going through the process of trying to empty out 3 rooms all at once has been pretty tricky. We have stuff piled up EVERYWHERE, including in our Jacuzzi! I'm glad it won't be like this for long because it is making me crazy to step over clutter!! After a couple of the rooms get done, we can empty out the 4th room at the other end of the hallway. That is where all the boys' bedroom furniture is stacked up. So, next week I am painting our bedroom and that is going to be a pretty huge job. I'm guessing it will take me 3 full days.
our bedroom after we starting moving the furniture, and before the carpet was removed. I forgot to take a "before" picture, so this will suffice as a midway picture.
master bath disaster. I'm glad I don't use that bathroom. hehe

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