Friday, May 6, 2011

entering the promised land

A couple more shots of Ryan. He sang Amazing Grace from a restored theater out there somewhere. He said it was like the sound was echoing around and hitting him in the back. How cool is that? Then they made their way into Israel, and tomorrow heading to upper Galilee.
We finally got quite a bit of the garden done! I think we managed to get everything in except for radishes and spinach. We added 2 rows of corn, and red onions at the last minute. Hehe… the garden is going to be way too crowded by the time all this stuff grows. I ended up planting a dozen or so extra tomato plants around the house and I have 16 more misc things that I am not sure what to do with.Here’s a pic of the spot that Darryl began leveling for the pool. I will try to put pics here of our progress of the pool and deck. We made the trip to Michigan today. Staying for a week, then heading to Erie, PA to meet Hannah, and enjoy a little bit of youth fellowship! It should be pretty cool sleeping in the cabins in the rain.


Unknown said...

SOOOOO COOL!!!!!! :D :D :D Wow...singing Amazing Grace in me shivers of joy just thinking about it!!

Linda Vegh said...

I would have loved to hear his voice echoing through the theater!! It does sound magical <3