Monday, July 14, 2008

Sharing my garden...

This is my Yucca plant. Can you believe how beautiful it is? This is the nicest it's ever looked. I think it's as tall as I am!
The Astilbes beside the walkway are VERY purple. God has such cool colors!
This is what I call a garden in a pot. Tomatoes, basil, oregano, sage, dill, rosemary and parsley. What more could a woman ask for? Oh yeah, hot peppers! But they aren't ripe yet. This is what they will look like soon.
My dill is so tall that it didn't fit in the picture at all.
(You see that green stuff in the background? That really is what you think it is! No more swamp!!)
And I have tons of extra basil! Think I might need to dry it for the winter. I've never tried that before.

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