Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

According to the Bill of Rights, we have certain freedoms in this country. These are freedoms which our president is elected to protect and uphold. Sadly, we are losing the freedom of speech in the field of science, specifically when it questions the teaching of Darwinism. We are losing the freedom to mention God, or intelligent design, or Creationism. Scientists are being “expelled” from their careers by simply mentioning the possibility of an intelligent designer.
God has already been removed from the classroom, and now from the science field all together. This is why many young people who go to public schools or secular colleges have turned away from God and have become atheists. The teaching of Darwinism leads one to lose their faith in God, lose their belief in eternal life, lose any moral compass, and come away with the belief that human life has no value. It is that kind of teaching that caused the holocaust, where millions of “inferior” humans needed to be exterminated for the good of humanity.
I applaud Ben Stein for the making of this documentary. It is clear that the media and the science field are working together to try to make us a Godless nation. If things don’t change, we will certainly lose our freedoms of speech and religion, and any mention of God might be considered a crime. Maybe that is where we are headed.

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