Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today our pastor was talking about "affirmation." It was a reminder to us to find something encouraging and uplifting to say to the special people in our lives. Whether it’s your kids, or a friend, or spouse, let’s try to pick out their strengths, their best qualities, and tell them about it. Maybe there is somebody in our lives that feels insecure, or disappointed, or like a failure. Maybe all they need is a word of reassurance from us.... wouldn't that be nicer than allowing our pride to prevent us from speaking those kind words? It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to bring joy to someone when their heart is hurting. It's such a small thing, but it can turn tears to smiles.

I hope that we can pay more attention to other people's feelings, rather than just thinking about our own selfish needs all the time. Let’s try to guard and protect them "as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings." People are worth the effort, especially when we love them, right?

So, go out there and make someone smile today..... you'll be glad you did. Well, go on, do it!

Here are my sweet boys playing a new game their dad bought them. I'm glad Kyle is feeling better today.

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