Thursday, March 3, 2016

more from Michigan

A reality I'm trying to live with.  I've been praying, and thinking about Joseph in the Bible, and talking to people, and trying to be transparent with some issues I've dealt with over the past year.  Yeah, God is doing something with me, and I am so willing to do what he says and be obedient, but then my old stupid flesh kicks up and complains, and I find myself at square one again.  I guess it's a never ending process, this giving up, this giving things over to God; all this surrendering.  I want to say "Yes, God."  But truthfully, sometimes I find myself saying, "But God!"  

a cool shot from the night flight
The weather in Michigan was so springlike one day, I walked around the yard and went on the swing, enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air.
the yard BEFORE the snow

I took a walk to buy a gallon of milk in the snow 
AFTER the snow
Here is a last minute song that Ryan did, but we didn't have the words, so it's just a lot of strummin' and hummin' trying to sound cool.  haha, yeah, it's what we do.

1 comment:

Robert Farmilo said...

I found your blog post by following links coming to my blog.
I read the post, and looked at the pictures.
Hey, here is an invitation to you from me to come on over and post on my blog anytime you feel like it...or not.
All the Best!
Robert Farmilo
PS-Check out my website: