Thursday, March 31, 2016

7 years of CBC comes to an end...

most awesome guitar ice cream cake!

I took this before CBC last night.  A memory of where I sang and played the last 2 years.

It was a bittersweet moment
It's hard to believe I did CBC for 7 years.  And so many things have changed over those years.  When I first started I was timid and nervous about everything.  It took a lot of years, but I think I'm finally coming out of my shell.  I can see where playing the guitar and singing has helped me tremendously with my insecurities.  I mean, I think back when I couldn't even stand in front of people and try to speak without falling apart, and now I'm singing and playing guitar!   I have come a long way in the last few years, and I am just beginning to gain some confidence.

CBC was such a big part of what I do, it's going to be weird to not be doing it anymore.  And I think I was just barely starting to get good at it...haha.  Yeah, and I will probably miss those kids!

Yesterday was our last CBC for the year, and I think probably the last one for me forever.  But then again, as Kyle was saying, we never know about these things.  I mean, look, we had no intentions of still being in NJ for the CBC that just ended.  Thought we'd be living in Michigan before winter last year, and yet here we still are, and wondering exactly when on earth we will be able to move!  I feel like we don't know anything anymore.  It's a long, drawn out waiting game...and this game is not so much fun.  We wait for permits, approvals, engineer drawings, inspections, proposals, answers from lawyer, requests from seems to never end!  We don't even have a start date for the septic system, let alone a closing date!

We don't know how much longer we'll be in NJ, but I do know it will be long enough for Darryl and I to sing together at Grace one more time!  I'm really happy about that!   And then after that, I will be with Ryan's praise band in Michigan.  We are planning to incorporate my worship song into their list of songs, and hopefully will be able to sing it while I'm there next time.  Can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for that.

After that is Kyle's wedding.  So many things are changing.  It's hard to keep up!  But I'm excited for what God has planned and where He's taking me and my family.

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