Monday, December 29, 2014

favorite moments

I love these guys.  Even while they are sick they are thinking of me.

Ryan fiddling around with some new music

Practicing for church

Ryan had the privilege of doing the opening solo for Grace's Christmas Eve service.  He did a magnificent job!  Darryl and Ryan both did a great job!

The boys and I were supposed to sing at church yesterday morning, but unfortunately a sick bug was running through our house so we made the very difficult decision to stay home.  In the evening after supper, Kyle suggested we at least make a video of the songs we were going to do at church so that we could still have the experience of singing them together, and have something to look back on.  I'm so glad he suggested it.  So we took 10 minutes in between packing to get these wonderful videos.  Thank you Darryl for taking them.

Isn't He is the song we were going to close the service with.

We Choose You is the song I wrote that we were going to do for special music.  The boys knew how long I had planned on doing this at church and they felt bad that we couldn't go.  But I am blessed for having this video of us doing it at home.

Another really cool thing....Ryan had me record some harmony on his new album.  I'm so thrilled and honored that he asked me to do it.

I also gave Kyle a very long hair cut.  (like 2 hours?  I had to cut it at least 3 times...haha)

We had some great meals: Enchiladas, ribs, steaks, ham, stew.  Went out for Italian one night.  Went to Children's Christmas Play, went to Christmas Eve services.  Kyle taught adult Bible class once (missed one).  Had a great time singing and arranging songs together.

We had a lovely Christmas and a most wonderful visit with our boys.  I'm so thankful for them.  Now they are on their way back to Grand Rapids to get ready for a trip to Dublin, Ireland.

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