Thursday, July 26, 2012

No matter what happens...

trust God

Today: not so successful. I'm tired and stressed. Have not worked out all week and I have a headache. Not to mention a Kindergarten boy beat on me today, and I couldn't stop him without using physical force, which I was not prepared to do because I didn't want Preakness to be sued. But if he had been my kid, he never would've gotten away with acting like a rabid animal. Honestly, I can't believe how parents raise their kids. If they don't get their way they go ballistic. I told my boys on the way home today that if I had been a VBS leader before I had kids I never would have had any.

I don't know how I raised 2 such amazing young men, but it had to be completely and utterly all God's doing because I am unable to do any of that on my own. Today I was a failure, more than once, with more than one kid. Sometimes I wonder why I am involved with children's ministry at all. I am not good at it. I didn't take any guff from my own kids and I really don't have the "patience" to take it from someone else's kid, just because they are too busy (or lazy) to discipline them.

Yes, I am ranting...but seriously, today really opened my eyes. I might have to rethink CBC this year. Maybe I'm not cut out for this at all.

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