Wednesday, January 4, 2012

one decade later...

edited...Well, at long last it is over and I can take a deep breath and relax, which is exactly what I did today. Maybe you could call it collapsing!! lol Anyone who knows me knows I've been consumed for the past couple of months planning this super surprise event for my awesome pastor. Think everything went well and it was a great night. So happy that it all came together at the last minute. But now that it's technically in the past, I can get back to my normal life. House needs to be cleaned, take down tree and decorations, laundry needs to be done, need to make beef jerky, take Kyle for haircut, make almond butter, make granola bars, and bread, make Mexican Lasagna, and whatever else I've been putting on hold.
Me giving a little speech... haha! I was nervous, but glad I got my words out without stumbling too much!

Pastor Mark

Pastor Karl and Joe

Gen Y Presentation

Some awesome kids doing a little thing called "My Pastor is:_____"

Ryan singing Ray Boltz's song "Thank You For Giving To The Lord". He did a fantastic job, and I loved having the folks join in with the singing!! Very touching. (Glad Darryl was there to handle all the tech stuff. The slide show would not have happened if he hadn't helped out so much!)

Awesome Pastor :)

Feel utterly stupid for not getting at least one picture of Kyle when he was reading. Sorry Kyle.
And I forgot to record Ryan's song. =(

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