Monday, November 28, 2011

My fun day of jury duty

It was a long, boring day. Well, at least parts of it were. We got to take a ride in this cool prisoner bus, which took us to the court house. The people are very nice in Morristown, unlike our Denville experience.

Then we had to go through security, and then go wait in a big room. Eventually there were a lot of names called, and I was 1 of them, and we had to go to court house #17 to have a jury picked. Getting from one room to another was nuts. That building is like a maze trying to find your way around. But selecting the jury was the most boring process. That poor judge. I don’t know how he keeps from losing his mind. He has to ask the same questions over, and over, and over again...

I meant to get a picture of the inside of the court room, but I was in such a hurry to get out of there that I forgot. Fortunately my last name is Vegh, so I didn’t actually get called up to the juror box for questioning. Phew. I mean, I wouldn’t mind terribly, but really I’m not in the mood for it. The judge expected the case to go until Wed. or Thurs. and I was ready to come home today. Last time I was on a jury, it lasted a full week. Nope, I didn’t feel like going through it again.

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