Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey leftovers

Turkey Pot Pie
I decided to do something wonderful with the turkey that I was so angry at on Thanksgiving, so I made one of my family's favorites. I had plenty of turkey to make this and it came out really great. There's only a little bit of it left tonight. I used Kathie's recipe (I modified it a bit). I also made Turkey Noodle Soup, but no pics of that. It's for lunch after church tomorrow. Our friend Danny is spending a couple of days with us. All of the guys have been having a great time playing cards and other games.
My stupid tooth that had the root canal (the second one) is hurting bad. How can it be that a tooth that is supposed to be emptied of its nerves Ħυяṫ?! It makes no sense. I've never had this happen before I used this particular doctor. Ħммм...

฿✞₩, I was unable to post the video of Ryan reciting 1st chpt of Philippians. Sometimes I hate blogger.

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