Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I will never trust a turkey thermometer again!! Dinner was an hour and a half late because the thermometer was a terrible indicator of turkey doneness... It was almost a disaster. Ok, well "thankfully" the food was edible, although a bit dry from waiting so long (the turkey never did get FULLY cooked!). =( and by the time we ate everyone had filled up on snacks. I'm not being negative, just disappointed. But we all had a fabulous time. It was great having everyone here enjoying the day. We all ate too much, as was expected. Well, maybe everyone except Ryan, the only one with self-control. It was nice Jeff. I know I'm rambling, I'm tired!! It is exhausting making Thanksgiving dinner....especially when there are flaws in the timing, and one has the tendency of being a perfectionist. hahaha... well, it was good to be able to send a lot of leftovers home with Bonnie and Dave. And we ended up with extra dessert!! So it worked out well for everyone. Oh yeah, Ryan surprised us by memorizing the entire book of Philippians. He recited the first chapter for us. I have to post the video of that!

Ryan, Kyle, me and Dana

Jeff and Dana, and "peanut"
Dave, Bonnie, Mom and Dad, and Lily
my family

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