Friday, April 2, 2021

What's happening...

Darryl decided to get a new car since he had to turn his old lease in.  The kids and I will be able to drive this to WV to see Mom over the summer.

Our little lunch on the deck.

Cute little sun hat.

Ryan and I got his house a lot cleaner!

looking good!

We had John and Melinda, and Bob over for dinner, along with Ryan.  It was a really fun night.  My chicken turned out terrible...oh well.  It was still a good time!

 We just found out yesterday that our pool is coming in May, not in July like Chuck told us.  It's a good thing we didn't book a vacation for May like we were trying to do. So excited it's coming in sooner.  And it's a very good thing I asked, because it seems like no one was planning to tell us.

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