Monday, July 27, 2020

July randomness

I finally got my butt in gear and started recording one of my songs that wasn't on my first album.  It was difficult remembering how everything worked, so I was very thankful that Ryan was able to coach me in those areas!

Laying down the first tracks.

A healthy vegan meal along the way.

And another.

Here's a cute little frog or toad that made himself comfortable in our outdoor furniture.

Ah finished studio.  Many thanks to Ryan for helping to set everything up!

And the last load of stuff from our house that we're selling.  You know it's the last load when you go ahead and take the little lawnmower with you!  Woo-hoo!  We hope to be closing on it this week...FINALLY!!

And bringing it home.

Darryl installing something on the tree.

And I had to get an official picture of the sold sign.  That makes it real.
In case you've been under a rock for the past several months, you know that the world is falling apart at the seams.  I don't think there's any going back now  We are on a downward spiral.  This may end up being the last breath before the rapture of the body of Christ.  For those of us who are watching world events, it would certainly appear that the world will be out of time in a matter of weeks or possibly months.  Of course we could all be wrong, so only time will tell.

If we are that close to the end of life as we know it, I implore you to trust in Jesus death, burial and resurrection and be saved by His blood.  Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior before it's too late!!  You might not have much time, and you sure don't want to wait until after the rapture has occurred because it will be a time unlike any other in history.   But if you are here when the Mark of Beast is revealed, whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE IT!!  From there, there's no going back ever.  You will be doomed to the lake of fire.  The only way to get saved will be to refuse the "mark" (whatever it is) and you will likely be beheaded.  I know, I know, it sounds crazy.  But it's all in the Bible, and so far everything in the Bible has been true, so why take a chance?  Get saved today.  It's a FREE GIFT just for believing!!  If you don't know how, just ask me!! 

A = Admit you are a sinner.
B = Believe Jesus Christ paid for your sins.
C = Call upon His name!! 

Mom told me these are crocosmias.  I had no idea.

They are beautiful!

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