Monday, May 4, 2020

too long in Lock down

Let me just say that our Government sucks.

I heard so many good things about Trump that I jumped in head first and put my trust in him, but now I'm backstroking because I don't want to drown emotionally.  Frankly, seeing how all this BS is playing out, I DON'T TRUST ANYONE.  If Trump can turn this disaster around, I will give him a second look, but right now buddy, it's not looking good.  You knew Fauci was a lying psycho path, but you listened to him anyway, and it ruined our country.  It destroyed millions of lives.  You have a lot of explaining to do, if I ever give you the time of day again...

I'm sad, mad, lonely, frustrated, and scared.  I haven't exactly been the best witness for having faith in Christ's provision.  Yeah, I suck.  Deal with it.

Darryl and I are trying to make ourselves at home in this huge house.  It's big and kinda empty.  We miss our kids.

Darryl's ex-wife is bothering me on Facebook again.  Another one to make my life feel icky.

I hate this world.

Here are some pictures of our life in the past month or so.

a little cheery tulip color

more tulips

purple thingys

peonies coming up

trying to put my studio together

got a ways to go

basement area


my car found a home

Darryl and Paul

Last time we saw Ryan and Janelle

Costco is like George Orwell's 1984

Costco has been taken over by Zombies

we had a worm invasion... I think they were looking for zombies

Darryl washing away zombie worms

this is the picture Dwayne got us for the new house

we got late snow

and ice

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