Monday, November 10, 2014

Yay! My first song is recorded!

The dastardly deer ate my Hibiscus down to nothing so I brought it in the house when I brought all my garden stuff inside for the winter. I'm happy to report that it's blooming again and has lots of new buds. Cool!  I love it when stuff goes right.

I met with Zuke last week and we went over my song "We Choose You".  It was a successful session and  I'm really happy I went.  Between the two of us, we made  few modifications to the arrangement.  So today I recorded the guitar and vocals, and with Darryl's help we got it into Mp3 format now.  He still wants to add some harmony and possibly piano, but it's good enough for now.    I'm happy with how it sounds, even though it's not perfect.  I think it's pretty sweet for a first attempt at recording a song...especially having to learn it as went.

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