Sunday, August 12, 2012

(Heavenly) Ethnicity in Concert

Yep, it's already Sunday night. The concert was 2 nights ago, and I'm still trying to find my equilibrium...I've been pretty bummed out and emotional, to be honest. I keep thinking about how many hours, days, weeks, and months were spent preparing and practicing for the concert, and then hardly anyone showed up. I was pretty crushed.

We had a few technical issues that didn't occur during our practices (including the live stream), so that was also pretty darn frustrating.  But the boys did a FANTASTIC job!!   Kyle played 5 different instruments (djembe, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, H-PIG (lol), and piano.)  Ryan did a superb job with his songs!!  Some folks came up to him afterwards saying that he was a musical genius, and he got tons of other positive feedback....not to mention they made a decent amount of money (selling CD's and T-shirts) compared to last year when a lot more people showed up.

Now that it's over, we are all trying to figure out how to go back to a normal life for the last week that they have home for the summer.  Maybe that's another reason I'm kinda bummed and sad is because I know we are taking them back soon....and I really dread it.

Well, I never did get any pictures of the boys performing at the concert (b/c I was running the computer (badly) but I will post some in the future once we get the videos all sorted out and uploaded to YouTube and whatever else we have to do to get some stills out of it.

I'm so glad my boys are level-headed and calm and patient.  I'm so proud of them I could burst asunder.... I guess as their Mom, it hurts me that a ton of people didn't show up to support them.  I am going to have to dig deep to find some grace.

Guess what!  On Tuesday Ryan finally gets his braces off, after like 3 years of metal torture.  yay!!

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