Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Desktop Monsters Older than Dinosaurs

It's true. Triops have been around for a bajillion years. They have survived unchanged due to a very special adaptation called “diapause.” When their ponds dried up, the Triops' eggs went into a state of suspended animation until the ponds filled again.

Triops look like a cross between a horseshoe crab and a facehugger (look out Sigourney!), and can grow to be up to 2” long. Oh yeah, and THEY HAVE 3 EYES!!

Wow! Sounds exciting!

Ok, so I am gullible. What else is new? The advertisement says, "Just Add Water." And "Guaranteed to hatch in 24 hours." Haha... we'll see.

We put off doing this for months, so after we went to the movies yesterday we figured we'd better get this done before school starts again. It was more than just adding water. We had to bring them in the house to put the eggs in so they wouldn't blow away. I will report back and let you know if any of these ancient 3-eyed creatures have life in 24 hours.

Check this out. It's awesome!!

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