Friday, July 5, 2024

4th of July

The Veghs and a few Rolffs went to the 76th Street Truck Stop for breakfast.  It was really nice...until I broke down crying.  That doesn't happen very often anymore, so it was an unwelcome surprise.  After that we went back to "my" house and enjoyed the pool.  Ryan and I practiced songs and then Kyle, Hilary and I played in the pool some more and then played with Winnie.  

And I just have to add, I need to become more independent and I need to stop thinking about the past, whether it be good memories or bad memories...cause I don't like them.  They aren't doing me any good..I feel like they are keeping me like some kind of mental prisoner.  I need to break free and try to enjoy my life.  I need to learn to do things for myself and stop asking for help.  Good grief, grow up, girl!  It's Independence Day!!  Start being INDEPENDENT!!

PS It's 9 months since Darryl's been gone.  So hard to deal with it all...I'm rethinking the whole moving situation.  I am looking forward to the day when the Lord gives me a firm answer on that.  

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