Friday, May 17, 2024

New things

Ryan and I sang at Frontline's last traditional service for the summer. It went really great. The second picture is one that I took at 4 am while I couldn't sleep. I went out to see how my new lights looked. I'm not sure what I think. Maybe too "Christmassy looking" with the red and green? I don't know. My lighting expert recommended them.  So far I'm not loving it.

The days are longer, which means I need to keep myself even more occupied.  I've spent lots of time cleaning the pool, and rearranging outdoor furniture, and practicing songs for church.  And I'm still dealing with certain financial things that slipped through the cracks.  It seems like every day there is a new set of challenges; both mental and physical.  I'm doing ok, but I'm also not rushing this process because I know now that it will never go away, it'll only ebb and flow like waves, until maybe some day the pain and memories will bring a smile instead of tears.  I'm thankful for old friends at my old church and new friends at my new church.  I'm trying to learn to be social, or at least be less socially awkward.  I'm curious where God will take me through this unexpected journey.  

There are lots of busy days ahead in the summer months.  Stayed tuned...

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