Friday, January 24, 2020

more home improvements

This is what the new carpeting looks like

Getting new kitchen countertops

really white

Brightens up the space
 Next week we are having the bathrooms done.
We couldn't finish the carpet in the basement because we discovered water damage.  That was extremely bad news...can't do it until spring, just when we're supposed to be moving.

I finished my Alaska puzzle!
I thought it would be fun to start making puzzles for our family vacation destinations.  I should find one of Budapest.

Also, I thought it would be nice to start a family tradition by having the kids over every Sunday for a fun family dinner.  So, we've been doing it for a few weeks now.  I look forward to it each week, at least until we start packing again.

I've been struggling with a bad back ever since I moved furniture for the carpet installation last week.  Kinda making me feel aggravated and fragile, and I can't sleep much.

Darryl's got 5 customers now and he's way too busy.  I worry about his stress level.  He's looking forward to our vacation in March, and then when we get home, we'll be moving again. 

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