Saturday, January 11, 2020

Life as I know it

this is a luxurious bath ball that Kyle and Hilary gave me to relax 

construction of a new floor being installed

a super healthy salad with grains

candle from Kyle and Hilary with the bath ball thing... this is for "me time"

old floor on the left, new floor on the right

new floor

here's a puzzle we started on Christmas

this was from yesterday... today I'm almost done

ok, this is a white rabbit that might have been someone's pet that got loose.  I don't know where it came from or where it went.  But it was there all day long.
Darryl and I started looking at new houses.  No hurry.  We are still updating the current house.  Putting in new floor.  Next is new carpet. After that is kitchen countertop and faucets and sinks, and the same for 2 bathrooms.  So much going on.  We are hoping to get a bigger house with more property if possible.

I'm anxious to eventually get another studio set up so I can record a few of my songs that haven't been done yet.  There are 3 or 4 that were written after my first album.  I really miss singing!! 

I feel like I'm in some kind of alternate reality zone...sitting and waiting for my life to happen.  Every night I go to bed thinking about, and praying for a daughter who wants nothing to do with me....and I wonder what is God doing? 

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