Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Alive again

Well, it's been a really bad week, but now I know I'm alive and well because I can't get enough of playing my guitar and singing.  Having taken a week off really affected my fingertips; they are so sore now.  I have been trying to make up for lost time with my guitar, and with singing, but sadly I currently have no voice.  With all the coughing my voice is so scratchy and rough.  Then, just as I started getting better from the flu, I got an infected tooth... ow!

We have songs picked out for June 1st, so we'll see if things stay the same or change between now and then.  I'm going to Zuke's this week to see what kind of thoughts and ideas she has about arrangements.  I'm so excited to be singing and playing with Ryan and Kyle soon.  Praying my voice comes back before then!!  Doctor said I could be coughing for 2 weeks, so that would not be a good thing.  I'm also so excited to be playing guitar for some of the songs.  And possibly for one of the songs, I will be the only guitar because Ryan might be playing piano.  It will be so awesome.

Ashlynn ended up doing Oceans this week....so now it won't be as special when I do it, but we will try to make the best of it.  Still unsure if Zuke and Emma are going to be a part of it, but we shall see.

Ryan, Kyle, Hilary, and April will be here on Saturday.  Then I am driving them to CT to see Royal Canoe.  It's gonna be so cool, and so strange to have everyone here.  Summer is going to start and it's going to fly by.

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