Monday, November 12, 2012

and now you know the rest of the story...

We came home from Wayne on Thursday, so as not be in the way of the Pastor's family when they returned from sunny Florida.  But it was so very nice to have spent 4 nights there! We spent 2 more nights at home running the generator, and we were so thankful to have it.  Also thankful that our cable was up and running again.

Here we go...

1. This is one of the cute foxes that lives in our woods.

2. This is my Christmas Cactus, blooming so pretty amidst the storms of life.  Something that makes me smile.
3. Here's our Walmart cashing in on the need for generators and gas.
4. Here's a sign that was posted at the end of our driveway on Saturday.  Turns out there was a crew here from N. Carolina working to cut trees and branches, finding all the downed wires and getting us up back and running Sat. night.  It was such a glorious thing to have electricity again.  So exciting in fact, that our next door neighbor felt the need to shoot off some fireworks!
5. Here are a couple of trees that are down at the police station down the hill from our house.  They are really big evergreens!

I've learned that life does go on even if we're cold, and sitting in the dark for several days.
I've learned that I can read by flashlight, although it's not much fun.
I've learned that there are a few people in the world that will do something to help us out.
I've learned that it would be better to get a generator that will come on automatically so that we can offer our home to those who need warmth and shelter in the future.
I've learned I don't want to be helpless next time.

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