Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mission work for the boys

Well, it's been an interesting week. Ryan and Kyle spent most of the week working with the youth group from Frontline Bible Church. They had a great time, and I know some of the elderly folks at Preakness really enjoyed the company. I will post a picture of the group when I get my camera back from Kyle.

Today Ryan is in Chicago, headed for Sullivan, Ill for another missions trip, while Kyle is in NYC at the Today's show. I guess they will hit the Statue of Liberty as well, but we won't get any pictures of that. He called me this morning to tell me to turn on the TV and that he forgot his wallet, the phone, AND the camera!

Darryl and I have been out to eat twice this week. We went to the Windlass Restaurant at Lake Hopatcong. It is very nice and we had 2 good dates. I guess this is practice for when the kids are in college?

Here are some pictures of Ryan getting ready to leave Grace yesterday morning. I wasn't there, I was at home wiping tears from my eyes! He didn't arrive there until after midnight last night. I miss my babies! Keep them safe, Lord!

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