Thursday, June 12, 2008

They grow up so fast

We just went through this with Ryan and now it's Kyle's turn. He'll be 15 very soon, and I kept bugging him to shave. So, he finally gave in to shut me up, I guess. Darryl helped....
I was so nervous...
Kyle was just glad to get it over with.
And now he's talking about driving...

Kyle, you look so adorable!!


Anonymous said...

glad I finally got it over with so you won't keep telling me to. lol

it was a pretty small deal, but you still were so nervous you were like jumping up and down O_O

Linda Vegh said...

hehe I guess I was a little jumpy ... but you are my baby, and you have a bony chin :)

Anonymous said...

His chin is NOT boney! He has a very HANDSOME chin!