Monday, September 3, 2007

My God

Yay! This was great! Nice voice, Ryan!

My God

Verse1: It doesn’t matter what kind of past you’ve had. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been good or bad. God can still forgive your sins and take away the pain, Renew your life and show His love again.

Chorus: My God is a God of mercy and grace! My God will never turn His back to my face! My God is with me every day!

Verse2: Salvation isn’t something that you earn. It’s a free gift of love: That, I’ve learned. Grace and mercy poured out from Jesus on that cross: You no longer have to be lost.


Verse3: The Lord is my Best Friend Forevermore, beyond what we’d call “the end”. I will be with my Lord some day not too far off, Gone to a place that I think of oft.

(Chorus, Verse1)

Ending: My God, My God…

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