Friday, November 24, 2023

Picking up the pieces

Trying to pick up the pieces of my life. 

I forgot to post these pictures of Dana when she was here in Michigan.  She and Ethan will be making a trip out here next month for Christmas.

Michele came out one weekend to help me clean out Darryl's closet.  Kyle and Hilary and Ryan have all been a huge help with clearing things out, organizing and figuring out finances.   There's still so much to do, but we are making progress.

I've been spending my Mondays with Winnie-bug.

I went to a Wednesday morning church service and lunch.  In January Ryan and I will do the worship there.  I also went to a widow support group, another day I had lunch with Kathy D, and another day I was invited to a neighbors house for drinks and snacks with a bunch of other neighbors.  Who am I?

I sold Darryl's beloved Kubota, hat and all.  So many memories.


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