Saturday, August 12, 2017

We ordered the CDs Baby!

We ordered the CDs today from CD Baby and they are just beautiful!!  This is really happening, folks!  I was thrilled that we could use some of the photos I had taken on our recent trip to Ormond Beach in Florida.  They were exactly what we needed, especially for the first song!

It took a long time to get here.  It was a struggle.  It was a lot of hard work, a LOT of tears, a lot of trial and error.  There was a lot of ridicule and being told I wasn't good enough.  Hearing those kinds of things over and over again during the past several years was heartbreaking and nearly ruined me.  I'm still recovering from all the negativity, and I still must work on my confidence to this day.  I'm glad God picked me up and dusted me off.  I'm glad He was there by my side, wiping my tears and comforting me, telling me He loved me and telling me I wasn't too old to worship Him.  I'm not too old to learn new things, to play guitar, to sing, to lead worship.  No, I'm not!  I'm glad I listened to Him.  I'm glad I trusted Him; after all, He is the One who put this dream in my heart.   I just needed people who loved me enough to come alongside and encourage me and give me some opportunities to learn and grow.  I thank the Lord for my ministry at Frontline Bible Church!  I thank God for putting people into my life who were nurturing and patient and kind.  Without their encouragement and love, this album would never have happened!

We are having a CD Release party.  At this point, it is questionable how many people will actually be there (or listening online).  But even if no one shows up, I know without a doubt that this album brings glory and honor to my Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is the culmination of the journey He's been with me on.  It's been a journey of sadness, disappointments, learning to forgive, learning to let go of bitterness, learning to walk in love and to put God first in my life.

I praise God for making my life better. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for answering my prayers, and bringing joy to my life!

And once again, a huge THANK YOU to my son, Ryan for 7 months of tedious work to get this album finished and making it sound so amazing!!  And thank you to my husband, Darryl who has consistently been there to offer his expert opinion AND his never-ending words of wisdom and encouragement.  You both have been my rocks!  

Next step: plan a party.

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