Monday, February 27, 2012

getting my house in order

We got some work done on the house today. We picked up this rug at Lowe's for our dining room. I really like how this room came out. I am happier getting a new rug than tearing the walls down and getting all new furniture. This room is pretty the way it is and our furniture is perfectly fine!

It's been so good for me to clear the clutter out of my house. Clutter and chaos makes me crazy!! I need to have things neat and orderly or I can't think straight. We have a long way to go, but so far I am so happy to be starting the process of cleaning and organizing. Hoping we'll be done by the time the weather is warm and we are spending most of our time outside on our deck. Really looking forward to getting kitchen and floors done!

We put a TV in the living room today but I don't have any pictures of that.

Here are a few pics from the boys facebook pages. I like seeing what they are doing at college and it's great to keep the pics on here for my family.

Ryan's Tae Kwon Do class

Kyle's snow man.
My boys will be out of college before I know it. Then what? We don't know, but we do know it is in God's hands. Will we stay in NJ? Move to Michigan? Move somewhere else? I'm glad it doesn't matter where we live. The way the world is heading Jesus could be back soon and we'll be so out of here.

Hope you are ready for the rapture! If you're not you better get saved NOW! You don't want to be left behind to go through the terrible tribulation.

Matthew 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Trust in Jesus today!! I mean it! TODAY!!

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