Monday, January 26, 2009

Foretaste of Armageddon

~by Ryan Vegh

I stood there by the wreckage. My eyes gazed about in every direction but found no relief from this hellish scene. All around me was a barren wasteland. A caved-in house lay on my left, while its roof lay on my right. Boards broken, windows shattered, yet this was one of the more fortunate homes; the debris of many others is dotted on this dusty ground for miles and miles, far beyond the reach of my eyes. Just last week, these buildings proudly stood in their appropriate places, with happy citizens going about their daily business with smiles on their faces. But a monster of a tornado ravaged this town. It crazily devoured everything that was sucked into its path, then it spewed its meal back out across the land as if to haunt us with its memory. ...As I stand here amid the corruption, my mind wanders to armageddon - a time I cannot fathom - of which, this filth is just a bitter foretaste... Yet though my eyes find no relief, my heart has a blessed hope: Jesus Christ the Lord, who rescues us from the coming wrath.

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